Reading Log

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9 Read

David Boaz  ·  Read Jun 2017

Read  ·  Published 1997
ISBN 978-1-4767-5284-6

Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels  ·  Read May 2017

Read  ·  Published 1888
ISBN 978-0-1413-9798-0

Arnold Kling  ·  Read May 2017

Read  ·  Published 2016
ISBN 978-1-9444-2415-2

Peter Thiel  ·  Read May 2017


Thiel, entrepreneur of PayPal, Facebook and Palantir fame gives a look in to where he sees value in startups, and how aspiring entrepreneurs should identify untapped markets. The title gives some of this away - where can your company find itself a total monopoly and become the one?

Read  ·  Published 2014
ISBN 978-0-7537-5520-0

Friedrich A Hayek  ·  Read May 2017


Read  ·  Added May, 2017  ·  Published 1944
ISBN 978-1-415-25389-5

Donald A Norman  ·  Read Apr 2017

My one critique would be that Norman ought to refer to Tufte and Binghurst for tips on book design - the book has an unclear heading hierarchy, and don’t start a chapter on a verso page!

Read  ·  Published 1990
ISBN 978-0-2625-2567-1

Robert Binghurst  ·  Read Feb 2017

Similar to Edward R. Tufte’s Visual Display of Quantitative Information, this is an authoritative text on typography in printed design.

Read  ·  Added Feb, 2017  ·  Published 1992
ISBN 978-0-8817-9212-6


4 Read

Valentino Braitenberg  ·  Read Sep 2016


This short book is a wonderful exploration into the emergent complexity, and seeming intelligence that can emerge from simple agents following simple rules around their environment. Vehicles presents a different and though-provoking view in to the world of robotics.

Read  ·  Added Sep, 2016  ·  Published 1986
ISBN 978-0-2625-2112-3

Edward R Tufte  ·  Read May 2016


One of my all-time favourite books. A well reasoned, clear and concise discussion of the history and how to best-present visual information with many great examples thought the book of maps, charts and figures. The book itself is stunning to look at, too, and its typesetting style has heavily influenced the layout of this site. A bible for any statistician, journalist, data scientist and visual communicator.

Read  ·  Added Aug, 2019  ·  Published 2001
ISBN 978-0-9613-9214-7

George Orwell  ·  Read Apr 2016

Read  ·  Published 1949
ISBN 978-0-1413-9170-0

Ashlee Vance  ·  Read Feb 2016

Read  ·  Published 2015
ISBN 978-0-7535-5564-4


1 Read

Brian Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie  ·  Read May 2015


My all-time favourite (thus far…) programming language book. Reads well, is a comprehensive introduction to C that uses the standard library functions as examples. Will leave you feeling that you understand C at a why and under-the-hood level. Also includes a formal grammar and reasonable reference in the appendices. Cannot recommend highly enough for those looking at C, UNIX and systems programming.

Read  ·  Added May, 2015  ·  Published 1988
ISBN 978-0-1311-0362-7


1 Read

Nick Bostrom  ·  Read Sep 2014

Read  ·  Published 2014
ISBN 978-0-1987-3983-8


2 Read

Richard P Feynman  ·  Read May 2013

Read  ·  Published 1985
ISBN 978-0-1401-2505-4

Professor Stephen Hawking  ·  Read Feb 2013

Read  ·  Published 1988
ISBN 978-0-5531-7698-6